London, Astoria
Decembre 6th, 2008

When you grow up you always feel to have missed something in your musical life.
Well, we are from Rome, so during the 90's we had the chance to see the bands that played in our hometown or in Italy.
We felt in love with Ned's Atomic Dustbin in 1991, but we never had the occasion to see them live. You know, at tht time there weren't low cost flights! So, after so many years and with three children, we are ready to go to London, Astoria, to see them live, at last! We leave our babes to a friend of us at our hotel and then with a cab (the driver knew the band!) we go to Astoria. The venue was packed with fans of our age, more or less ("You deserve good!") and after Vile Evils - very funny gig - finally our heroes hit the stage. The beghinning is like I dreamt: Suave and suffocated, welcomed by people with a roar and a massive jumping, which will last for the whole gig.
One of the best days of my musical life.

Whole intro/Suave and Suffocated
(471.454 kb)

(253.155 kb)

(114.758 kb)

(65.440 kb)

Kill your television
(225.467 kb)

I waste nobody's time but my own
well it's mine to waste so let it go
my childhood inspection
is my record collection
and sometimes i need to feel grown
you've got your head up your ass
to keep yourself covered
you trip up the past, trip over your mother
how come?
how come i think you're capable?
that's bad enough
i need a kick up the ass
to stop feeling smothered
look up at the past, look down to discover
how come?
my childhood obsession
is my record collection
so what makes us so squeaky clean?
if we're food for worms that's not my scene 

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